The discussion of the draft law on the

The office of the capital's governor and the administration of Khushig Valley development jointly organized the discussion of the draft law on the "Legal Status of New Zuunmod City".

Representatives of more than 10 urban development professional organizations, such as the Ministry of Construction and Urban Development, the Union of Mongolian Architects, the Union of Mongolian Construction Engineers, the United Union of Mongolian Builders, the National Association of Mongolian Construction, and the Association of Mongolian Construction Designers, participated in the discussion.

At the beginning of the discussion, the general planning of "New Zuunmod City" was presented by M. Batbayar, the administrative head, and the draft law on the legal status of New Zuunmod City,
P. Sainzorig, the first deputy governor of the capital, and the opinions of representatives of professional organizations were presented. exchanged and put together the proposals to be included in the draft law.